Today we’re talking more Star Wars with my thoughts and hopes for the new movie, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Most of my commentary will be coming off the newest trailer so if you haven’t seen it, check it out here.

In the beginning of the trailer, we see a land speeder zooming its way past a crashed X-Wing and the even bigger crashed Star Destroyer, a Galactic Empire capital ship, in the background. Now it’s come to my attention that this is aftermath from the Battle of Jakku, something we’ll be seeing in the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront game as an add-on pack that’s supposed to help bridge the gap between Episode VI and Episode VII. The wreckage really plays on some emotions maybe felt by Star Wars fans in showing just how long it’s been since we’ve seen anything in this era at least in movie form since this takes place around thirty years after Return of the Jedi.

The voiceover that takes place here is one of the things that stir up even more questions as you try to guess just who exactly is talking at the moment. The phasing of course is a play on Luke talking to Leia when he reveals to her that they are in fact siblings. The question is though is that if Darth Vader were truly dead, why would Luke be saying, “My father ‘has’ it,” instead of “My father ‘had’ it.” This also opens the gateway for the possibility that it could be Luke’s son giving this speech. If that is the case, whom would Luke’s son be talking to when he says, “You have it too.” That opens up another realm of possibilities in just who and how many Jedi we can hope to see in this new film and what directions they may take. If it is Luke however, it could also mean that we may be seeing Darth Vader in some way, most likely as a force ghost like we’ve seen before at the end of Episode VI in relation to the burned up Vader helmet we see as the voice goes on.

We then see loveable R2-D2 next to a hooded figure. The person in the hood reaches out and we see a robotic hand be placed on R2. The most educated guess here that the one in the hood is none other than Luke Skywalker himself. Luke and R2 share the past of a relationship of a droid and its owner turning into a great friendship and this very likely is Luke happily greeting his old friend.

The next scene we see is what seems to be Luke’s original Lightsaber being passed to an unknown person. Now this person does seem to have a more feminine look of the hands so it could be Leia, or it could be one of the newer characters. This is where the “My sister has it,” stated by the voice takes its spot making more sense as it being Leia taking the saber but hey, anything could happen.

Next up we see the new model X-Wings taking flight in formation just above water, which makes for an excellent shot. I’m excited to see these back, as they were always my favorite ship to see in combat. With that, I also hope to see some amazing space and in-atmosphere dogfights between X-Wings and TIE Fighters. I think that will really add some nostalgic sentimental flare to the mix.

After that we see a quick glimpse of multiple different things. The new Cross Guard Lightsaber-wielding Sith, Kylo Ren who seems to be in combat or at least showing off his skills and in other shot, using what looks like a force push backed by storm troopers holding off civilians? I hope to see Kylo and whatever Jedi we may see go head to head in some epic fight scenes. If I had my way we’d get some of The Raid style fights but you know, with Lightsabers. The Storm Troopers also are under a new faction, The First Order, an heir to the old Galactic Empire. This both sounds and looks like a great idea but I’m curious to see how it’s implemented and how it came about.

Rey, Finn and BB-8 appear under aerial fire from TIE Fighters. There’s even a scene of Finn in a Storm Trooper armor set, which we’ve seen before but this time he seems to be uncovering something troubling. I’m hoping this might be something drastically improving to the Storm Troopers, which takes me to another shot we get of a Chromed out looking Super Storm Trooper of sorts. I can’t wait to see what his deal is and what role he plays in the movie.

The trailer ends on not only the Millennium Falcon being chased by a new trooper in a TIE Fighter, but is closed out with that all familiar voice of Han Solo saying “Chewie, we’re home.” We see the two together with a pair of smiling faces, Chewbacca does his signature Wookie growl, and the iconic Star Wars logo pops up on screen.

Personally, I can’t wait for this movie, as I’ve always loved the Star Wars Movies as a kid just as much as I do now. Seeing the return of this franchise with all new life is extremely exciting and heart warming to me I’m sure, as it is you. Let me know in the comments your thoughts and feelings on the trailer and what you hope to see.